Member-only story
The One, Easy-to-Use Tool You Need to Defeat Any Obstacles You Encounter
Your obstacles can become the triggers that enable you to accomplish any kind of goal. Even if its just getting your dry cleaning.
In the last three weeks, my neighborhood has become a perplexing hub of road construction.
Actually, it’s misleading to say “road construction” since a lot of what’s happening seems to be “We’ve put up all these big orange signs now to block traffic, but we’re not really going to be doing anything for three weeks, but we’ll start leaving our equipment here where we can take up 14.5 parking spaces and half of the east-bound traffic lane.”
It’s becoming increasingly challenging to go from Point A to Point B without encountering a surprise detour.
Yesterday, when I tried to go pick up clothes from the dry cleaners, there were two different construction sites to slow down for within the first eight blocks; five blocks later, I was diverted to a one-way street which took me out of the way and in the wrong direction of the cleaners for six blocks and five, mind-numbingly slow stoplights.
When I eventually made it to the street I needed to be on, I was confronted with a closed lane, no parking signs, and a torn-up…