Enjoy Every Sandwich. Photo by PNW Production for Pexels

The Two Not-So-Common Quotes I Use To Make My Life Rewarding

The unmistakable power of summing up big thoughts in just a few words

Ellen Goodwin
5 min readJun 10, 2022


“Do you have a favorite quote?”

This was the question being posed to me recently by a podcast host as we were wrapping up an interview. In his own version of a Lighting Round, he’d already asked, “Are you a dog person or a cat person?” (I’m secretly a cat-lady-in-training, I just don’t have any cats of my own.) “Would you rather spend time in the mountains or at the beach.” (It depends on the time of the year and my available clothing.)

And now, “Do you have a favorite quote?”

Why yes. Yes, I do.

It’s not “The purpose of our lives is to be happy” or “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t­ you’re right.” Both of which are nice enough quotes (thanks to the Dali Lama and Henry Ford). Thousands of people are fans of these two quotes (as well as plenty of other quotes from favorites such as Oprah, Steve Jobs, and Abraham Lincoln.) But neither of these two tops the chart of my hit parade of quotes.

I like quotes. I like their power to concisely summarize big thoughts in just a few words.

So when it comes to a favorite quote, I’m a bit of a rebel. I have not one but two that I confidently consider my favorites. (If you’re going to overachieve at something, having more than one favorite quote seems to be an easy path. You’re welcome.)

The first is a straightforward quote that is much deeper than it initially appears on the surface: “Enjoy every sandwich.”

The late singer/songwriter Warren Zevon said this on October 30, 2002, during the David Letterman show. He had been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and this was his last show appearance. Dave asked him how he was doing with his diagnosis and the changes that were now happening in his life.

His answers were pretty much what you would expect from a man who knew he didn’t have long to live. Still, twice during the interview, he mentioned that during his remaining time on earth, he would be making it a point to “Enjoy every sandwich.”



Ellen Goodwin

Productivity Consultant, TEDx Speaker, Podcast Co-host, Author of DONE: How To Work When No One Is Watching. Learn more at Ellen@EllenGoodwin.com